Saturday 6 December 2008

"Creating" Yourself

Ada proyek baru di kantor, sebuah resort di Bali yang rencananya bakal dibuka tahun 2009 --atau 2010.. rencananya. Konsepnya keren bangeeettt.

Salah satu slogannya mereka kaya gini:

"LIFE isn't about finding yourself.
LIFE is about CREATING yourself."

Makes me think further about myself & my life.

And that sort of things.. :
The reason you’re alive.
Your personal mission in life.
Your raison d’etre. cetera.

[ Ookayy.. not that "further", though. :P ]

Jadi inget, jaman masih kuliah kan kita sering denger dan liat tentang temen-temen yang berubah 180% dari jaman SMA (atau SMP). In a positive OR negative way. Terkadang ada komentar, "Wah dulu kan dia ngga kaya gitu.." atau "Wah sekarang dia beda banget sama dia yang dulu.." dan semacamnya. Huehehehe.. Dan akhir-akhirnya ditambahin, "Masih NYARI jati diri kali ya?"

Kemarin waktu gw baca slogan si resort ini, gw jadi nyadar, klo istilah "MENCARI jati diri" itu sebenernya emang ngga ada. Adanya "MENCIPTAKAN jati diri".

You become what you BELIEVE.

A good friend of mine said that she was waiting for her "true calling". But when she saw this quote, then a thought pop in her head: It's not about finding your true calling, it's all about CREATING yourself.

You need to decide what kind of person you want to become. So get up and chase your dream. Don't just sit and waiting for your life purpose to arrive by mail.


Now I thinking that..
This quarter life crisis is really challenging, doesn't it?


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