Friday, 15 May 2009

Amusing Quotes from Channel Users

Just got this silly website from my younger brother. LOL :))

(@ThinG|webbing) how do I zoom in with internet explorer?
(+|Sonic) move your face closer to the screen

(i8b4uUnderground) d-_-b
(BonyNoMore) how u make that inverted b?
(BonyNoMore) wait
(BonyNoMore) never mind

(Insomniak`) Stupid fucking Google
(Insomniak`) "The" is a common word, and was not included in your search
(Insomniak`) "Who" is a common word, and was not included in your search
*hint: The Who

(Mendo) lmao there's a wicked looking spider on my monitor and if i move the mouse around he chases after it
(spitfire) haha mendo
(spitfire) take a screen shot
(spitfire) wait
(spitfire) that made no sense

(Khassaki) HI EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!
(Judge-Mental) try pressing the the Caps Lock key
(Judge-Mental) fuck me

( robT) Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
( bawss) Right click.

(Tedward) so there's this pimp right. he's collecting money from his three ho's.
(Tedward) he goes to the first ho and asks for his $100. she says, "But I only owe you $50!"
(Tedward) he slaps her and says, "don't correct me, bitch!"
(Tedward) he asks the next ho for $150. she says, "But I only owe you $100!"
(Tedward) he slaps her and says, "don't correct me, bitch!"
(Tedward) now he goes to his third ho.
(Tedward) he asks for $200. "but I only owe you $150!"
(Tedward) he slaps her and says, "don't correct me, bitch!"
(Tedward) next he visits the fourth ho.
(Tedward) he asks her for his $250.
(Thy_Dungeonman) hold on, wait a sec
(Tedward) what?
(Thy_Dungeonman) you said three ho's, not four. idioth.
*Tedward slaps Thy_Dungeonman
(Tedward) Don't correct me, bitch.

*taken from:
QDB: Quote Database Home
Collection of amusing quotes from channel users. User submitted and rated.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance On Just One Page

Tiba-tiba pengen ngebahas tentang keuangan...

Awalnya karena terinspirasi oleh prinsip temen gw yang kaya gini :
"Pokoknya pas umur 25 gw musti bisa hidup dari jerih payah gw sendiri. Biar hidup mo susah kek, yang penting gw ngga tergantung sama orang lain lagi."

Waktu itu --kalo ngga salah-- kita masih kuliah tingkat 3. Gw sendiri waktu itu sih cuma fokus biar cepet lulus aja, belum kepikir hal-hal kaya gitu. Tapi ngga tau kenapa, saat itu kata-kata dia melekat banget di otak gw. (FYI, --setau gw-- temen gw itu anak orang yang cukup berada, makanya gw salut dia udah mikir kaya gitu)

Tapi "waktu" berjalan cepet banget.

"Hahh, tahun depan gw udah 25 aja!" (...waktu itu ya, hehehe).

Ditambah gw baru lulus kuliah (lagi), dan ditambah lagi gw baru dapet kerja dengan penghasilan tetap --dulunya gw berstatus freelancer--, gw tiba-tiba jadi terpacu untuk mencapai target si temen gw itu. Gw cuma mikir, kira-kira gw bisa ngga sih seperti dia.

Intinya gw pengen (mengutip kata-kata Adhitya Mulya) :
"Kecil, gak nyusahin orang tua. Tua, gak nyusahin anak."
*Artikelnya bagus! Baca deh.*

Yakk! Mulailah perjalanan gw dalam mencari info tentang perencanaan keuangan pribadi. Masih awam banget soalnye.

Tapi gw ngga mau nyeritain detilnya ah, hehehe...


(...selain karena gw belom kompeten dalam membahas topik ini...)


...semua info yang Anda perlukan tentang personal finance udah ada di sini nih: The Simple Dollar - "Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance On Just One Page" (FREE e-book! Sounds yummy, eh?)

E-book karya Trent Hamm ini memiliki 5 ide utama:
(1) Spend Less than You Earn
(2) Earn More
(3) Live Frugal
(4) Manage Your Money
(5) Control Your Own Destiny

Dalam e-book ini banyak tips praktis yang bisa diterapkan di kehidupan sehari-hari. Teorinya sih memang terkesan mudah & klise, tapi bagi sebagian orang, pelaksanaannya itu yang sulit.

Hamm sendiri berkata seperti ini dalam e-booknya :
"The Final Thought
You can do this. Two years ago, I was almost bankrupt and in deep despair because I didnʼt believe this stuff, either. It took a lot of learning and a lot of honest soulsearching, but I began to realize what was really important and I turned the ship around. Trust me: you can do it, too."
Di e-book ini juga dicantumkan link website-website yang membahas tentang personal finance. Informatif banget lah pokoknya.

Salah satu kalimat yang gw suka dari e-book ini adalah :
"Not about being rich, it's all about freedom."

Berhubung (masih) gratis, monggo diunduh... :)

*gambar tabungan babi diambil dari

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance

Siapa Oren Lavie?
"Oren Lavie is a songwriter, director, writer of funny books for sad children. Born in Tel-Aviv, Israel. He has long curly hair, green eyes, cold feet. Known to daydream on many an occasion."
-- taken from :
Musisi asal Israel ini punya jenis musik yang rada-rada beda dan unik. Yang pertama kali bikin gw terkesima sih music video-nya dia yang ini nih:

Her Morning Elegance music video
Directed by Oren Lavie, Yuval and Merav Nathan
Featuring Shir Shomron
Photography by Eyal Landesman
Color Todd Iorio / Resolution

Kreatiiiffff... Gw suka banget! Katanya sih :
"Fun Facts:
* The video was shot all stills - roughly 3225 still photos for the entire video, using one camera, hanging from the ceiling for the main body of the movie.
* It took 4 weeks before shooting to create an animated computer generated storyboard for the video, with 3d dummies for the characters.
* It took only 2 days of shooting for the live actors on set to re-create the 3.5 minutes computer sequence, frame by frame.
* Some of the bed sheets used in the video were taken from Oren’s own bedroom and are now considered collectors items, worth at the moment not very much and therefore used as bed sheets.
* Each of the wonderfully talented people above have worked on the video for a fraction of their normal rates (except Oren who worked for his normal rate of zero)."
-- taken from : friendId=99738779&blogId=467348012

Tertarik? Coba kunjungi myspace-nya.

Thanks Iqbal! :)

Monday, 4 May 2009


Kemaren-kemaren ini baru dikasih 1 album mp3 sama temen kantor. Gitar akustik. Bwuaaguuuussss!!!

Namanya DEPAPEPE, duo gitaris asal Jepang. Anyway, gw ngga tau ini siapa, hahaha tapi keren...

Ini contoh musiknya :

...dan ini :

Thanks RG! Ohoho...

OST 500 Days of Summer (2009)

"just stay there, cause i'll be comin over

and while our bloods still young
it's so young
it runs
and we won't stop til it's over
won't stop to surrender

a moment, a love
a dream, a laugh
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs
a moment, a love
a dream, a laugh
a moment, a love
a dream, a laugh"

-- Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap
Ini harusnya udah gw posting dari dulu-dulu, tapi baru keinget sekarang. Topik bulan ini tentang musik aja yaa. Khekekekek... (Sejujurnya gw emang lagi mati gaya buat nulis artikel.)

Buat alternatif bahan dengeran (kan ada istilah bahan bacaan, nah kalo istilah untuk bahan untuk didengar apa ya?)

Mau memperkenalkan satu band asal Australia, yang *katanya* memiliki vokalis orang Indonesia. Bener ngga sih?

Salah satu single mereka digunakan sebagai OST Teaser Trailer-nya 500 Days of Summer (2009). Yang ini nih :

Tebaakkk... Apa coba namanya?? Yakk benar....

Pasti si Nongki tau nih. (Ya iyalah! Orang dia yang ngasitau gw ada band ini, huehehe...)

Yo'iiii, nama band-nya : The Temper Trap.
Ingin mengenal lebih jauh? Kunjungi myspace mereka. Salah satu track yang juga gw kami suka, judulnya : "Love Lost" :) Silahkan dicari di internet untuk diunduh, hohoho.

Filmnya sendiri rencananya mau mulai diputar di layar lebar bulan Juli 2009.

Anyway, ini Official Trailer "500 Days of Summer" :

Eyy... Regina Spektor pun ngisi OST-nya film ini! Wohoo!
Mari kita nantikan bersama... :)

Kaki King - Gay Sons of Lesbian Mothers

Gw ini awam musik, tapi suka menikmati musik, har har har! XD

Nah... sekarang gw lagi suka sama Kaki King, gara-gara dulu sempet nonton *secuplik* film August Rush (2007), terus sempat terkesima dengan salah satu musik gubahan Kaki King yang berjudul "Bari Improv".

Bari Improv?
Yups! Inget ngga? Itu tuh yang adegan anaknya lagi nyoba-nyoba maen gitar?

Tadinya gw ngga tertarik buat nonton film ini. Cuma iseng-iseng nyalain TV sambil nge-net, pas denger musiknya langsung tertarik buat nonton. Ehehe... Kayanya gw musti beli DVD-nya, lagian nontonnya setengah-setengah gitu sih. Banyak yang bilang sih kalo film-nya kurang bagus, tapi gw sendiri suka sama OST-nya.

Masih lupa? Hehehe...
Yang ini nih:

Itu ciptaan Kaki King, gitaris cewe, keren banget sumpah.
Hahahaha, hiperbola. Tapi saya suka! :D

"In February 2006, King was named as a “Guitar God” by Rolling Stone Magazine, becoming the first ever female to make this list in the history of the publication."
-- source:

Salah satu yang lagi sering gw dengerin, ini nih:

Judul track-nya agak absurd sih, hehehe tapi unik.
Mau tau lebih jauh tentang Kaki King? Coba lihat myspace-nya.

Enjoy! :)
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