Friday, 29 January 2010

The Strong Life Test for Women

Hehehehe... Guilty pleasure nih, ikut-ikut tes personality. :D

Ini yang terbaru dari Oprah, coba deh:
The Strong Life Test for Women.
Ternyataaa hasilnya...

Your Lead RolE:

You begin by asking:
'How can I raise the energy?'

You are acutely aware of the energy in the room, and you feel compelled to do what you can to elevate it. You do this with your outlook—you are an instinctively optimistic person.

Your best quality:
Your infectious energy

Step in and take responsibility for the group

Be careful you:
Don’t get sucked dry by emotional vampires

Your smartest career move:
Any job where you’re paid to keep a group of people excited.


You begin by asking:
'What can she learn from this?'

Your focus is instinctively toward the other person. Not her feelings, necessarily, but her understanding, her performance, her skills.

Your best quality:
Your faith in the others’ potential

Tailor your style to each student

Be careful you:
Don’t come to believe that everyone is capable of everything

Your smartest career move:
Any job where you’re paid to facilitate the success of others.

Okay, it's nice to know that, hehehe...

Friday, 22 January 2010

Life is Yours to Create

Image taken from

Hobi gw setahun belakangan ini adalah : baca travel blog.

Kemaren-kemaren gw nemu artikel ini:
"Society boxes you in and restricts your movements to their expectations. It’s like the matrix. And any deviation is considered abnormal and weird. ...

Years ago, at the height of the economy, a book called the “The Secret” came out. According to The Secret, if you just wish and want hard enough, you’ll get what you want. But the real secret is that you get what you want when you do what you want.
Life is what you make it out to be.
Life is yours to create."

Matt adalah seorang (twenty-something) full-time traveler & blogger. Sebelumnya ia sempat bekerja sebagai professional selama lima tahun. Setelah kepulangannya dari traveling di Thailand tahun 2005, ia berpendapat bahwa "traveling is better than working", lalu memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan gelar MBA-nya, keluar dari pekerjaannya, lalu pada Juli 2006 ia pun memulai perjalanan keliling dunianya. Hingga saat ini.

Just don't let society boxes you in and restricts your movements to their expectations! Wise man said, "You can never make everyone happy, so don't even bother trying. Accept that and move on."

*Artikel ini ngingetin gw tentang seorang teman yang hobi banget traveling sampe kayanya hidup dia emang didedikasikan untuk jalan-jalan. You go girl! Keep up the spirit! Hehe...

Thursday, 21 January 2010

"Love Theory" - as they said

Image taken from

Ada teori seperti ini:
"Dasar cinta wanita adalah perasaan ingin disayangi, dan
Dasar cinta pria adalah perasaan ingin memiliki."
Bener apa engga sih?
Tampak ribet.

Cinta oh cinta...

Anyway, (500) Days of Summer is really a MUST-SEE movie. :)
(And they have a lot of cool soundtracks too!)

Thursday, 14 January 2010

No Action Talk Only

Funny! :)

Taken from here.

(And yet ironic...)

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Amal Terakhir di Tahun 2009

Akhir tahun 2009, tepatnya 31 Desember 2009, pulsa saya habis.
Sisanya hanya Rp 98,-

Kemudian saya isi pulsa melalui ATM, karena waktu saya coba lewat e-banking juga ngga berhasil-berhasil. Saya tunggu seharian, tetep ngga masuk-masuk juga. Hmmm... Saya tunggu sampai tanggal 3 Januari (ya, saya memang penunda-nunda), saya heran kok pulsa saya ngga masuk-masuk juga ya... Akhirnya saya hubungi call center bank saya.

Belum selesai mengobrol dengan bagian call center, saya kembali mengecek bukti transaksi. Yaiks... Saya baru menyadari sesuatu...

Ternyata saya salah menuliskan angka terakhir nomer HP saya!

Harusnya *********223 jadi *********228.

Yaahh sudahlah, memang itu rejeki tahun baru orang lain.

Amal terakhir saya sebelum memasuki 2010.
Semoga bermanfaat! Whoever you are, hehehe... :)

I gotta feeling that this year gonna be a good year!*
Happy New Year 2010 Everyone!

*Hahaha, hasil ngutip lirik lagu yang jadi earworm belakangan ini :D
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